Cemal Pasha’s grandson takes part in YSP party's Armenian Genocide Commemoration event in Istanbul

14:39, 24 April, 2023

YEREVAN, APRIL 24, ARMENPRESS. Members of the Turkish Green Left Party (YSP) organized a commemorative event in Istanbul’s Kurtuluş neighborhood on the Armenian Genocide Commemoration Day.

108 years ago, the Armenian Genocide began in this very neighborhood, which was known as Tatavla back then.

Green Left Party (YSP) candidate for parliament Hasan Cemal delivered remarks at the event.

Hasan Cemal is the grandson of Cemal Pasha, the Ottoman military leader and one of the organizers of the Armenian Genocide.

 “My dear Hrant Dink’s pain brought me here. My dear Hrant Dink’s pain made me aware of the dear Armenian people’s pain,” he said, referring to Agos Editor-In-Chief who was assassinated in Istanbul in front of his newspaper’s office on January 19, 2007.

“My 2017 book is titled the Armenian Genocide of 1915, and I carried Hrant Dink’s pain during the writing of the book as well. I am here today to share the pain of my Armenian brothers,” he added.

The Sisli office of the party then released a statement.

“Societies built on animosity, hate and massacre, running away from the truth and afraid to face their past, cannot walk towards a beautiful future. Is it possible to live together peacefully in a country where a part of the society is constantly concerned over its safety? This country must now face its history. There must be an end to the policy of animosity and hate, and racism must not be tolerated,” reads a part of the statement, according to sendika.org.


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